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ChaseRecords : [chase 002] - Doom Lord 666 - Evil Stuff

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Catalog number
Playtime: 23:02 - 192kb/s - 25.91 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/06/23 20:58h



hardcorehard technogabbaschranzterrorchase recordsdoom lord 666 Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

For this second release on Chase Records Netlabel, we bring you 4 tracks from a german artist serving under the name of Doom Lord 666. This Evil Stuff EP consists in 4 tracks, on the edge between Hard Techno / Schranz on one hand and Gabba Hardcore/ Terror on the other hand. Those eficient tracks hit really hard! They were clearly designed to make you shake your hand and dance but without falling into easy stuff, still keeping a dark and raw feeling.

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